Galveston offshore 8-3-05

Two of Krissy's three SOW's
Well yesterday Krissy kicked our butt’s. We took a buddy that I work with off shore (same guy from a couple of weeks ago) to look for snapper. On the way out the water was beautiful, blue and calm. We came up on this awesome current line with a huge mat of sea weed that went on for a very long way. Because my boat is kinda slow, I usually don’t spend the time to search around these things but I just couldn’t resist. We dropped a couple of trolling lures behind the boat and it was on. Chicken Dolphin everywhere. It was pretty cool watching them attack the lures with a vengeance. These little guys have an attitude and yes Krissy caught the biggest one (4 ½ lbs). I didn’t want to spend to much time here so after boxing about 10 of the squiggly little suckers we moved on to do some snapper fishing. The first spot was full of 15 inch fish so after three drifts we moved on. The next spot was awesome for a while. Krissy pulled in three sow’s in a row here. John and myself were catching keepers but she was kicking butt. A current line moved thru and things just stopped. We went to a wreck where we finished our snapper limit and gaught a couple of kings. I managed a 10 pound snapper (not even close to any of the three that Krissy caught) at this spot. The original plan was to work on king fish after we caught our snapper limit but on the way in we found more big sargassum patches. We had so much fun catching dolphin earlier in the day that we decided to blow off the kings and work the weeds instead. We were hoping to find a big fish but ended up catching about eight more of the little guys.

Krissy's first SOW of the day
The Crew with the catch