Galveston Offshore 8-11-07
Me and Mike with Mikes Ling
Saturday I got the chance to take my boss Richard, his twin brother Mike (who had the lucky rod) and another buddy from work George, out for some snapper and anything else that we could catch.
We stopped at a couple of buoys on the way out to make bait then ran to a sow hole hoping to get one or two in the boat but the spot was dead. Next stop was another snapper spot about ten miles away where we caught all but two of our snapper and 6 or 7 lane snapps.
I knew that we could likely get a sow or two while looking for AJs so off we went to deeper water. We broke off what was most likely a nice AJ at the first stop. Richard had him hooked up on light tackle while I was getting the heavy stuff ready. There was no way to turn that fish but Richard had a heck of a fight while it lasted. Richards’s brother Mike did manage to land a decent ling at this spot. We weren’t to far from the Claypiles so we decided to see what we could find over there. The place was like a parking lot. FLW boats all over the place bobbing around and soaking blue runners (no offence but that looked boring as heck to me). We couldn’t catch anything there except kings so we were off to another wreck to finish out the snapper and get one more chance at an AJ. At this last stop Mike managed a nice sow.
We also tried a shrimp boat but there was nothing but remoras home.
It was a great day on the gulf with great seas and good friends.
8 Snapper
6-7 Lane Snapper
1 Ling
? Kings (all released)
1 trigger
1 Remora
Mike fighting his Ling
Mike fighing his Sow
Mike and his Sow